Gluza Antoni

from Szczyrk, born in 1951
He was born on April 3, 1951 in Szczyrk near Hyrca, where he lives to this day (in a wooden house built in 1804 by his great-grandfathers). His family dealt with amateur music in their free time – especially during holidays and family celebrations. As an eleven-year-old boy he went to a community center, founded by Jan Więzik, who taught him to play the accordion. His next instrument was the trumpet. In 1965, Antoni Gluza joined the Regional Song and Dance Ensemble Ondraszek – first he danced, then played the accordion. Then he performed in a brass band (he played on the slug trombone, tube, trumpet and clarinet), which operated at the school in Oświęcim, where he learned the profession of a locksmith. It is here that he acquired knowledge and skills in the field of music and harmony, as well as ear training. After returning to Szczyrk in 1969, he attended the Musical Center in Bielsko-Biała, where his study lasted five years, but Antoni got to the fourth grade straight away by choosing a trumpet and an accordion. After two years of classes at the branch of the University of Silesia in Cieszyn, he won the title of musical instructor of the third category (currently he has the first one). After many years he returned to Ondraszek (for five years he was the music director) and founded the first band for them Jan Więzik. He also learned to play bass and bagpipes. Later he became the head of the Bielsko Folk Song and Dance Ensemble. Together with Małgorzata Hołdys founded the Klimczok Song and Dance Ensemble at the Primary School No. 2 in Szczyrk. The adventure with Klimczok lasted ten years. In 1979, Antoni Gluza's band, existing to this day, was created.
In addition to playing on many instruments, Antoni Gluza also deals with their production. He is a member of the Folk Artists' Association. In 2010, he received the title of Szczyrkowianin of the Year from the Society of Friends of Szczyrk.