Kapela Blachury i Ficka

from the Żywiec Beskids
Marcin Blachura (violin, vocals) and Przemysław Ficek (bagpipes) play the music of the Beskid Żywiecki, referring to its most archaic character, which was characterized by an improvised, free form, smooth meter, variable tempo (reflecting the highland soul), and no melody played twice the same.
Kapela Blachury i Ficka won the first place in the category of instrumental and vocal-instrumental ensembles of the 2nd Real Musicians' Tournament in Szczecin. A song, co-starred with Kapela Byrtków, "The horse" was on the album "Silesian Roots. Best Living Folk / World / Fusion from Silesia 2016" of the British music magazine "Songlines" as a representative of the authentic Beskidy folklore. Musicians are also winners of bands, singing groups, folk singers, instrumentalists, singing masters and playing instruments as part of the Festival of Polish Highlanders' Folklore: in 2015 they received the Złote Żywieckie Serce, and the first prize in 2017.