Ondrík Stanislav

from Tvrdošín, born in 1949
Sculptor of flesh and blood, self-taught. He was born on February 28, 1949 in Liesek. He has been wittling in wood since childhood, but he actively began to create at the age of forty-two. Initially, he carved small figurines and reliefs, decorated with sticks; with time, he became interested in the monumental sculpture. His work is dominated by motifs from everyday rural life – the scene of both work and play. He works in lime, poplar, sycamore, ash wood and various species of fruit wood. The sculptures are made with oils – he does not paint, because it is inconsistent with the Orava style.
Stanislav Ondrík is an artist registered in ÚĽUVe. He presents his works at exhibitions at home and abroad. You can also see them in his home. He regularly participates in outdoor events – in his home town of Tvrdošín, Babín and also in Poland.
website: www.drevenesochy.sk