Orság Ľubomír

from Oravské Veselé, born in 1948
A self-taught sculptor. He was born on August 3, 1948 in Nálepkov. He has been carving in wood since 1980. He performs both monumental and chamber works, usually from one piece of wood. He draws topics primarily from rural life, showing people in different situations. The clumsy study of figures brings you closer to the world of ancestors and their everyday live. In carved faces – with a look directed at an indefinite distance – their heavy fate is often reflected. The artist is also working on religious subjects. First and foremost, he creates piety and the figure of saints. As he emphasizes, sculptures are a reflection of his personality and the surrounding world. It mostly uses linden and birch wood; for larger works uses a harder and more durable oak tree, poplar or alder.
Ľubomír Orság is a creator registered in ÚĽUVe. He presented his works at group exhibitions in the country (in Spišská Nová Ves, Námestov, Tvrdošín, Banská Bystrica, Trenčín, and Dolný Kubín) and abroad (in Poland and the Netherlands). He also participated in symposia, in Tvrdošín, Plavecký Štvrtok, Janov, Východna, Babín, Polhora, Zázrivá, Lipnica Wielka or Mutno.