Smoleň Aurel

from Revišne, born in 1946
Sculptor, faithful to his passion for about 50 years now. He was born on May 27, 1946 in Malatiná. From childhood he had to deal with wood and its processing. Grandfather and father, when it was needed, made wooden spoon or wheels for the wagon, and the little Aurel was peeling pipes for playing and toys, to which he still has a great sentiment (they occupy a key place in his work).
The sculptures of Aurel Smoleň are recognizable at first glance. The artist has his own original style (he never uses professional designs, he does not imitate anyone). As he emphasizes, he sculpts in wood what just happens. Usually, it goes back to traditional themes related to folklore and religion. The figures he creates represent ordinary people – with delicate, expressive good looks. He sometimes appeals to the world of fantasy and dream imaginations. He also does toys: rocking horses, scooters, wheelbarrows (which took part in Polish competitions). He creates from limes and poplars wood – he does not look for it, he finds it. In addition to carving, he likes to go for mushrooms and work in the garden near his home in Revišnom.
Aurel Smoleň won the main prize of the all-Slavic creative association in Humenné in 2002. He was three times awarded in the "Tvorivé záujmy človeka" competition in Ružomberok. He exhibited in Poland (including in Dolný Kubín, Námestovo, Bratislava, Humenné, Turzovka, Ružomberok) and abroad (in Bielsko-Biała, Kielce).
His works are in the collections of the Orava Gallery in Dolný Kubín.