„Tam gdzie szumi jawor. Tydzień Kultury Beskidzkiej w obiektywie Waldemara Kompały 1992–2016”

In the second half of July 2017, appeared in the printed version the album "Where the sycamore tree rustles. Beskidy Highlanders' Week of Culture in Waldemar Kompała's images 1992–2016". This 150-page publication in three languages: Polish, Slovak and English is dedicated to the oldest and the largest folklore event in the country.
Variety and richness, authenticity and immediacy, spontaneity and humor, inexhaustible energy and joy – these are both features of the Beskid folklore festival as well as Waldemar Kompała photographs. This racial photojournalist and specialist in Beskidy Highlanders' Week of Culture (with which he has been associated since 1992) captures not only concerts, but also performers at the backstage. He shows colorful processions, dancers levitating over the stage, folk artists at work. In addition, there is a gallery of faces – focused, laughing, thoughtful. And although the Beskidy Highlanders' Week of Culture is only once a year, thanks to the album "Where the sycamore tree rustles" we can enjoy it for 365 days.