Daloš Drahoš

from Lehota, born in 1962
Multi-instrumentalist. For 25 years he has been involved in the production of traditional folk instruments. In childhood – thanks to the bagpiper Jozef Antalík – he met the sounds of bagpipes, and the Sunday radio broadcast devoted to folk music masterpieces, and starting with the work of the reeds trio of father and sons Kubincovcov, aroused in him the love of pastoral instruments. He often mentions how at the age of seventeen he went to the Slovenského poľnohospodárskeho múzea deposit in Nitra, where he could hold authentic reed Ďuračka from Očová, Imrich Weis from Hriňová-Zánemecká or Matúšek Nosáľ from Vígľaš in his hands.
He gained his first practical experience in making instruments in the workshop of Ján Bartolen in Nitra. He also participated in the meeting of artists competing for the Ladislav Leng prize at the FSP festival in Detva, with whom he founded his studio in Lehota. Meetings and conversations with uncle Ľupták, Jozef Fekiač, Jozef Kostúr and other masters, their sincere relationship with reeds, pipes and bagpipes encouraged Drahoša to continue making folk instruments and to improve the creation techniques. The first instrument he made was reed in G, because – as he claims – listening to it made pleasant chills. Later there were six-pipe flutes, double ends, bones, and finally bagpipes, which were created thanks to the knowledge of Bernard Garaj, younger and his father, a great creator and performer.
Drahoš Daloš participated in folklore festivals (Myjava, Detva, Východná) and regional events – first as a spectator, then a member of FS ZOBOR from SPU in Nitra, eventually as a soloist. He participated in the preparation of the ecumenical programs of the Dní kolied kresťanov Slovenska festival, Gajdošské fašiangy in Mala Lehota, FF Východná and others.
He presented his instruments in Paris, Zurich, Berlin, as well as at world exhibitions of folk instruments in Frankfurt, Brussels etc. As a result, they hit all continents (except Antarctica), where they play different genres of music. In their possession they also have presidents of several countries, Natalia Imbruglia, Marián Čekovský, the ensembles The Fugees and Čechomor and other personalities. Of all the prizes and diplomas he has earned, he most values the title Instrumentum Excellens awarded to his instruments at the FSP in Detva.
website: www.fujaradd.sk