Gatnar-Guzy Maria

from Wisła, born 1923
Nestor of Beskid painting on glass. She was born on August 17, 1923 in Pielgrzymowice. Since 1991, he lives in Wisła. It belongs to the well-known "Wiślanie" Group of Creators and Folk Artists' Association. Artistic talent betrayed from an early age, but after retiring glass painting became her passion. The artist's output is dominated by sacral themes, often with regional references. Christmas crib is a favorite motif. There is also the Way of the Cross, and a set of twenty-six paintings "From the creation of the world to the Lord's Resurrection". There is also a lack of genre scenes and motifs related to rites, customs or local traditions (among them two pictures illustrating the conversations of Zuzanna Bujok).
Although the paintings of Maria Gatnar-Guzy deviate from the ancient canons of folk painting on glass, the artist deliberately and with full reverence refers to this tradition. Her works are not homogenous: on the one hand, modest, subtle, on the other hand, extensive and rich in terms of decoration. All of them are, however, transparent composition and testify to excellent technique mastery.
The artist's work has been presented at many folk art exhibitions in Poland and abroad (in France and in the Czech Republic.) She exhibited her own exhibitions in Żywiec, Wisła, Bielsko-Biała, Cieszyn, Skoczów, Gliwice and Wrocław. On her own initiative, she has been involved in activities promoting glass painting and regional traditions. She successfully conducted classes for children, and the work of her students won the main prizes and awards. In 1973 in the sanatorium in Kubalonka she established a regional chamber dedicated to the culture of the Silesian Beskids.
Paintings on glass by Maria Gatnar-Guza are in museum and private collections – in Poland and abroad (including Canada and the USA). They complement the poems of Hanna Szczudłowska in "Christmas Eve in the Beskidy Mountains" (publication awarded with the nomination for the "Most Beautiful Book of the Year 2001"); illustrate the volumes of poetry of ks. Jan Twardowski.